Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Favorites Vlog link up


Today I am linking up with Holly and Emily, two pretty amazing women, who have put together a vlog link up of Fridays favorites.  I was so stinkin' nervous making this video.  You see, I hate talking in front of people, my mind gets all jumbled up and I usually just start to cry.  I know, pretty sad huh.  I can handle up to about four people, anymore then that and I turn into mush.  My Tuesday morning Bible study has actually been pushing this for me cause I have to share my feelings in front of people every week, so maybe I will get over this soon but I doubt it. 
Anyway, back to the vlog. 
I made it so I might as well post it and link up.  I think it is a pretty sad little video, I mean, at one point I say that I don't have any favorite things, really.  Also, sorry I am talking so fast.  Good luck deciphering my gibberish. 
Thanks for checking out my blog. 
Can't wait to watch everyones, I do love seeing your mannerism and hearing what you sound like in real life.   
And here is a cute picture of my baby just because


  1. Your baby is too cute! :) Anyways thanks for following. Us baby weight loss gals gotta stick together!

  2. Girl, you rocked that vlog! We have so much in common! The camera! Of course that's what we'd grab!

    Sugar is wonderful isn't it?!? I have such a sweet tooth, yummy!

    Thank you for linking up with us, have a great day and weekend!!

  3. Heyyyy Becca! Thanks for linking up with us today. Two things I loved:

    1. Your workout is your "me" time. ME TOO. :) Even if I'm not really working out... I'm working out my brain. HA.
    2. Fruit by the Foot? My long lost love. I need to pick some up this weekend. Excellent choice in snack.

    And I hope you havea great weekend!!

  4. Here from the link-up. I love fruit by the foot! My kids are weirdos and don't like them!!! So I never buy which makes me kind of sad, but is obviously a good thing. New follower :)

  5. Hey Becca!!!

    I'm new at blogging too! We can be embarrassed together! McFlurries are the shiz. I'm a lover of Reeses though. PB and chocolate so yummy

    P.S. I want to kiss the crap out of your baby's face. SOOO cute!

  6. Your baby is precious! Love it when they are that age!

    I totally forgot about fruit by the foot, but we get these gummy things that I eat like 3 times a day!
    McFlurries rock! I could make a meal out of several of those! Not just 1 ; )
    Enjoyed watching your vlog!

  7. Ahhh M&M McFlurries...I forgot about those! I too have a sweet tooth - I cannot give up sugar. I totally relate to the TRL question - I knew what it was but never watched it, never got the hype. LOVE how you say "...So I don't have one," because we assume its just another social media thing. hehe.

    Your baby is so super cute!!

    I did the vlog as well, I'm #14, check it out if you have a chance. Have a great weekend!

  8. Love McFlurries!! Love Fruit by the Foot! Your little boy is SO adorable!

  9. It has been SOOO long since I've had a fruit by the foot! Those used to be my favorite snack. I'm totally getting some this weekend.
